About Us
Public Finance at Bricker & Eckler
Bricker & Eckler serves as bond counsel to more than 1,000 state, city, county, school district, library and higher education entities that are seeking the most economical and efficient ways to finance their capital improvements. From clients who are contemplating a bond financing for the first time to those who are frequent issuers, we supply comprehensive advice that begins with the preliminary planning stage, continues through the process of committee meetings, board meetings and council meetings, and culminates after the capital has been secured.
Our group is known statewide for developing innovative financing structures, and several members have actively participated in the drafting of statutory and constitutional provisions that govern bond finance in Ohio. We are the largest public finance practice group in the state, and every attorney in the group is a member of the National Association of Bond Lawyers. Our lawyers are listed in the “red book” of bond counsel, and we have been recognized by the state and its various political subdivisions, as well as by the underwriting community, as a law firm with a national caliber bond counsel opinion.
School Bond Finance & Levy Planning
We help school districts obtain and maintain the resources they need. Our experience includes bond and note issuances and tax levies, as well as lease-purchase arrangements, collaborative agreements, protection of assessed valuation, tax abatement and exemption issues, booster and foundation support, and more.
Contact Us
If you would like to speak with a Bricker & Eckler attorney about your district’s legal needs, please contact Rob McCarthy at 614.227.2308 | rmccarthy@bricker.com, or contact the firm using this form below:
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