On-Demand sessions are sponsored by our Strategic Partners and Platinum sponsors.
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Navigating the OFCC ELPP Era

View On Demand Session

Fees: $55 (Non-Member) / $30 (Member)

How best to plan a facilities project in the OFCC ELPP era will feature the new OFCC CFO, Lancaster City Schools' Director of Business, and bond and construction attorneys from Bricker & Eckler. Focus points will be financing the project discrete portion up front with local money; preserving flexibility in the construction process, segmented or not; and how to plan for when state money arrives.


Rebecca C. Princehorn, Esq., Attorney, Bricker Graydon LLP

Jerry Rainey, Director of Business, Lancaster City SD

Chris McCloskey, Partner, Bricker Graydon LLP

Improve your Facilities Without Breaking the Bank

View On Demand Session

Fees: $55 (Non-Member) / $30 (Member)

The panel will describe their recent facility improvement projects which will reduce expenses significantly. Some of the costs incurred through COVID-19 safety measures have been offset through their energy savings and facility improvement projects implemented in 2019. Statistical results will be shared as evidence of real dollar savings. Ms. Rice will summarize a wide range of projects that Noble Local Schools implemented during the past 3 years, including LED lighting, HVAC improvements, waste water treatment plant, and other facility improvements. Mr. Paul will explain his district's LED lighting upgrade project and results, which include an improved educational environment and significant dollar savings. He will highlight the benefits of using the Ohio Council of Educational Purchasing Consortia (OCEPC) program which had bidding already completed and saved significant time and money for the district. Participants will come away with ideas on working with their own district staff on evaluating the need for these projects and how to convince the board & community of the importance of moving forward with these investments.

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Trenda Heddleson, CFO/Treasurer, Noble Local SD

Rusty Bookman, Senior Sales Executive, Energy Optimizers, USA

Scott Paul, Treasurer, Franklin Local SD

Real World Strategies to Use ESSER Funds to Address HVAC and Controls Capital Projects

View On Demand Session

Fees: $55 (Non-Member) / $30 (Member)

We will review several real-world, Ohio K-12 case studies and strategies of how the three ESSER infusions via CARES, CRRSA, and ARP Acts can be used to improve HVAC and controls for decades after schools return to normal. Plug Smart has already helped several Ohio school districts maintain state and federal compliance while utilizing these funds quickly and efficiently.


Will Lytwyn, Vice President of Project Development, Plug Smart

Jarret Kelley, Director of Engineering, Plug Smart

Case Study: How Midview Schools used Debt to Preserve their Cash Liquidity in a Low-Interest Rate Market (CPIM Approved)

View On Demand Session

Fees: $55 (Non-Member) / $30 (Member)

The track session will focus upon identifying borrowing opportunities for Districts, not only carrying over positive cash balances, but attempting to preserve liquidity. During these volatile economic times, more than ever, Districts are being scrutinized by the rating agencies for their reaction and proactive action plans to address the Covid-19 phenomenon. As such, there has been a tremendous amount of emphasis placed on protocols surrounding the preservation of cash balances and addressing future levy cycles to bolster cash reserves.

Districts with significant carryover balances too often address permanent improvement and capital needs through direct cash purchases, with a reliance upon philosophies that issuing debt or financing such needs is considered squandering money on interest costs.

This concept currently flies in the face of what rating agencies are now emphasizing as the new normal, cash is king. The Coronavirus phenomenon will have a ripple effect on every public entity, whether it be a degradation of taxable values or a rise in delinquencies on real estate taxes.


Rob Showalter, Treasurer, Fairview Park City SD

Michael Prcela, Senior Vice President - Public Finance, Sudsina & Associates

Preparing for Development Opportunities (CPIM Approved)

View On Demand Session

Fees: $55 (Non-Member) / $30 (Member)

This course will provide insight into considerations affecting school districts impacted by growth in residential, commercial, and other types of economic development. Topics covered will include school compensation agreements, development tools that benefit or otherwise affect school districts, quantitative and qualitative considerations, and permissible uses of school property. Course objectives include identification of factors relevant to discussions involving economic development and school compensation, as well as useful take-aways when negotiating or otherwise considering the impact of development on a school district.


Brad Ruwe, Partner, Dinsmore

What is the Role of a Municipal Advisor (MA)

View On Demand Session

Fees: $50 (Non-Member) / $25 (Member)

Many, but not all, Ohio school districts engage MAs to assist in the issuance of bonds. Those advisors, unlike other professionals involved in a bond sale, have an explicit fiduciary duty to the district, per federal law. This session covers the process of selling bonds in general and looks at what you should expect from the MA.


John Payne, Partner, Bradley Payne Advisors

School Construction Financings with Pipeline Revenues

View On Demand Session

Fees: $55 (Non-Member) / $30 (Member)

Ohio school districts like Hillsdale LSD have leveraged the increased property taxes from the Rover, Nexus, Leach Xpress, Buckeye Xpress, Rockies Express, Texas Eastern and Tennessee Gas Pipelines to support the financing of school construction through the issuance of certificates of participation. The Hillsdale LSD financing team will address legal and financing issues including structuring, valuation and ongoing appeals, depreciation, insurance and potential loss of State funding.


Steven Mahr, Public Finance Associate Vice President, STIFEL

Rick Blahnik, Treasurer, Hillsdale Local SD

Catherine Swartz, Partner, Bricker & Eckler

Patrick King, Managing Director, STIFEL

Navigating the Unknown while Overcoming Compliance Challenges

View On Demand Session

Fees: $55 (Non-Member) / $30 (Member)

The abrupt shutdown of schools and lack of a clear path forward caused by COVID-19 created many new challenges for districts. What didnt change were the annual compliance requirements already established. Suddenly, we were asked to fulfill these requirements in addition to new ones created by COVID-19 legislation. In this session, you will learn how one district was able to navigate this process with limited impact on staff, how to maintain true compliance in an inconsistent environment, and how to be prepared for the next emergency that upsets school operations.


Tom Strasburger, Vice President, Strategic Alliances, Public SchoolWORKS

Matt Luecke, Director of School Business Affairs, Kings Local SD

Healthier Buildings in Light of COVID - The Goshen Schools Success Story

View On Demand Session

Fees: $55 (Non-Member) / $30 (Member)

The most widely recognized HVAC engineering society, ASHRAE, has published a very practical approach to ensuring a healthy building in light of COVID. Our team will explore immediate no-cost solutions that can be implemented to ensure a safe environment. Topics include Systems Evaluation, Inspection and Maintenance, Ventilation and Filtration, Building Readiness Plan, Pre- and/or Post-Occupancy Flush with Outdoor Air, Modes of Operation for the Building, and Water Systems. Our team will also explore the benefits of adding proven technologies such as Ultra -Violet Lights and Bipolar Ionization to air handling systems.


Ken Yockey, Facilities Performance Engineer, Four Seasons Environmental

Dan Tarkington, CEO, Four Seasons Environmental, Inc.

Todd Shinkle, Treasurer, Goshen Local Schools

Darrell Edwards, Superintendent, Goshen Local Schools

Building Applied Intelligence

View On Demand Session

Fees: $55 (Non-Member) / $30 (Member)

Building Automation Systems (BASs) continue to advance in their data analytic capabilities. Presently, data analytics is being used to help manage and predict Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) for todays COVID environment.

Analytics is being used to balance air ventilation requirements with various building operational outcomes such as occupant comfort, power consumptions and equipment functionality, all in real time. On top of that, BAS analytical capabilities provide a predictive assessment that allows building owners a tangible view of their COVID -19 mitigation efforts.


David Smith, K-12 Sales Leader, Gardiner Building Servics

Matthew Field, Engineer, Gardiner Building Services

Account Code Accuracy: How it Affects Data and Trends (CPIM Approved)

View On Demand Session

Fees: $55 (Non-Member) / $30 (Member)

Participants will be able to learn how important account codes are for the trends in their five year forecasts, budgeting and modeling. The panel will review the account codes that affect district trends and state comparisons. The panel will define best practices on how to make sure that the account codes are maintained so that there is a history for each type of expenditure and revenue.


Cindy Ritter, K12 Business Consulting, Inc.; OASBO Past President and Retired Treasurer

Todd Griffith, CFO/Treasurer, Licking Heights Local Schools

Adam Zink, Treasurer/CFO, Lakota Local SD (Liberty Township)

Jeremy Buskirk, Senior Manager, Baker Tilly Municipal Advisors, LLC

Gina Deppert, CFO/Treasurer, Northmor Local SD

ABCs of Economic Development: How a Proactive Approach Can Help Your School District (CPIM Approved)

View On Demand Session

Fees: $55 (Non-Member) / $30 (Member)

School districts are often the last party to the table on economic development projects. As a result, boards and treasurers are cast as either pro-development (accepting abatements negotiated before the schools were involved) or anti-development (daring to challenge the pre-negotiated terms). Big Walnut Local School District has taken a different approach.  This district, in rapidly-growing Delaware County, has in recent years become actively engaged in economic development projects big and small.  As a result, the School District officials have a strong partnership with other local government representatives, and together they have protected School District revenues while supporting growth. In this panel, Treasurer Jeremy Buskirk of Big Walnut LSD, Marvin Founds of Baker Tilly Municipal Advisors, and Rob McCarthy of Bricker & Eckler LLP will discuss the secrets to Big Walnut LSDs success.  They also will provide an overview of some of the latest trends and legal developments in economic development issues facing school districts.


Rob McCarthy, Partner, Bricker & Eckler, LLP

Jeremy Buskirk, Senior Manager, Baker Tilly Municipal Advisors, LLC

Marvin Founds, Director of Education Finance, Baker Tilly Municipal Advisors, LLC

Interest Rates are at Historic Lows Again - Now What? (CPIM Approved)

View On Demand Session

Fees: $55 (Non-Member) / $30 (Member)

Uncertain times have led to increased uncertainty. Be it global unrest, political upheaval, trade wars, and artificial intelligence. We will discuss these events from a historical perspective to help determine whether this time is different and what this may mean for your investment portfolio.


Scott Gruber, CMT, Client Portfolio Manager, Meeder Investment Management

Eileen Stanic, Sr. Public Funds Advisor, Meeder Investment Management

Finding Budget Efficiency with Real Time Analytics

View On Demand Session

Fees: $55 (Non-Member) / $30 (Member)

Even before COVID-19 struck, many district financial leaders were investing in ways to better manage their business operations. While regular reporting was helpful, it often lacked the real insight needed to take action and typically looked too far back to be effective. As a result, Finance leaders found themselves reacting to problems vs. preventing them and important resources of time and money werent always optimized.

Real-time analytics dashboard have been proven as a way to help district leaders more effectively manage their finances and business operations. When built correctly, dashboards present critical information in an intuitive, easy to view format that encourage action and decision making. This means teams can spend more time analyzing results and less time trying to run and interpret reports. In this session we'll review a number of case studies for how districts improve budget efficiency and streamline operations with real-time analytics including:

  •    Actively monitoring limited budgets and re-applying when possible
  •    Proactively drive district finance and business operations with data
  •    Track and manage daily operations for purchases and expenses

Daniel Dorr, Finance, PowerSchool Group LLC

Gable Dixon, Sr. Solution Engineer, PowerSchool

Levy Health Assessment, Strategy and Communication (CPIM Approved)

View On Demand Session

Fees: $55 (Non-Member) / $30 (Member)

In this session, we discuss how to assess the health of a districts levies. What is the expected life of the current levies, and how long will they last? What are key strategies a district can implement to help its local property tax revenue keep up with the cost of providing services for students? And finally, how to communicate this information to your board and district stakeholders. The Forecast5 team presents with Cary Furniss, Treasurer and CFO of Kings Local School District, to learn from his district's assessment and journey to levy health.


Ernie Strawser, Senior Vice President, Frontline Education; OASBO Past President, Retired Treasurer

Cary Furniss, CFO/Treasurer, Kings Local SD

How to Talk about your District’s Financial Picture Now and During a Levy

View On Demand Session

Fees: $55 (Non-Member) / $30 (Member)

School district's answer to their entire community. And the entire community wants and needs to hear from the district about the district's finances. It hits to trust and confidence in the schools. But do you talk about it during these uncertain times and especially if you have a levy? We've got you covered.


Carole Dorn-Bell, Partner, Allerton Hill Communications

Breaking Bad: Disrupting the Cycle of Ineffective Diversity Initiatives

View On Demand Session

Fees: $55 (Non-Member) / $30 (Member)

After tracking the results of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I) initiatives since the 1960s, the research shows that some of the most popular DE&I programs are actually counterproductive. Yet, organizations continue to use them with little regard to their outcomes. Why does this happen? What characteristics differentiate effective from ineffective DE&I initiatives? This discussion will explore what the research says and three innovative changes needed to disrupt the cycle of ineffective DE&I initiatives and create positive change. This session will focus on three learning objectives:
1. Participants will understand which diversity initiatives are most likely to fail and why.
2. Participates will be able to identify the characteristics that increase a programs likelihood to have positive impact.
3. Participants will discuss three approaches to change the trajectory of diversity programming and initiatives.


Alexis Spoon, Area Assistant Vice President, Gallagher Risk Management & Consulting

Jeanne J. Holmes, PhD, Risk Versity

Signed, Sealed, Delivered: Understanding Construction Procurement for School Districts

View On Demand Session

Fees: $55 (Non-Member) / $30 (Member)

Participants will be able to gain an understanding of the various delivery models available for school construction projects. When preparing for a construction project, one of the first decisions that must be made is whether to use a general contractor, construction manager at risk, or design-build delivery model. We will provide an overview of the construction procurement process for school districts, including design professional procurement, competitive bidding, and procurement of construction managers at risk and design-builders. We will describe the standard of award and contracting process for each project delivery model. Additionally, we will compare the pros and cons of these delivery models, including how each relates to the school districts schedule and budget, how each model allocates risk, and the primary decision points within each model. This presentation will also identify and explain exceptions to competitive bidding available to school districts.


Chris McCloskey, Partner, Bricker Graydon LLP

Casey Rieth, Attorney, Bricker & Eckler, LLP

Eva Anderson, Treasurer/CFO, Greene County Career Center

Asset Management – From a Building Envelope Perspective

View On Demand Session

Fees: $55 (Non-Member) / $30 (Member)

If ever there was a time to protect your roofing assets and maximize your roofing and building envelope ROI, this is it. This is possible through condensed project timelines, quality, affordability and procurement transparency. School districts face unique facility management challenges, even under the best of circumstances. They need reliable solutions customized to meet the need for speed, quality, transparency and ROI. They need to address todays environment of challenging budget constraints while protecting roofing assets, extending performance life and planning for long-term needs while addressing the most urgent roofing problems. If youre like most school districts across the country, your roof inventory varies in age, condition and construction quality.


Steven Tratt, National Sales Manager, Canam Building Envelope Specialists

Karl Stefan, Northeast Regional Manager, PureAir Control Services, Inc.

Regina Martino, National Market Development & Cooperative Solutions Manager, Tremco Roofing and Building Maintenance

Practical Advice for Handling Employee Overpayments (CPIM Approved)

View On Demand Session

Fees: $55 (Non-Member) / $30 (Member)

Many school districts have likely encountered an inadvertent overpayment to an employee. Recovering overpayments from employees can be an arduous process. Have you ever wondered the best ways to recover an overpayment from an uncooperative employee? If so, this presentation is for you.


Jason Stuckey, Associate, Bricker & Eckler

Laura Sauber, Finance Director, Shared Resource Center

Oops, I Did it Again: A Checklist to Handle Common 403(b) and 457 Issues (CPIM Approved)

View On Demand Session

Fees: $55 (Non-Member) / $30 (Member)

Participants will:
1. Learn about common issues school districts encounter in administering their 403(b) and 457 plans.
2. Understand how IRS rules and plan document provisions provide the road map for running successful 403(b) and 457 plans.
3. Learn how to implement internal controls within the school district to minimize risk in the event of an IRS audit.
4. Identify best practices for plan administration.
5. Incorporate successful employee communication and education strategies.


Linda Segal Blinn, Vice President, Technical Services, Voya Financial Advisors

Terry Harrell, Regional Vice President, Voya Financial Advisors

The Impact of Unemployment Compensation on your District

View On Demand Session

Fees: $55 (Non-Member) / $30 (Member)

Conversation about the significant increase of UC activity for 2020 (primarily due to COVID), and the potential long term impact. We will also review and discuss any additional changes to the UC system between the date of this submission and the date of the seminar.


Roger Baker, Manager, Unemployment Insurance, Sedgwick

Common (and Not so Common) Questions about Health Savings Accounts (HSAs)

View On Demand Session

Fees: $55 (Non-Member) / $30 (Member)

When it comes to reimbursement accounts, the differences can be confusing. FSAs, HRAs, and HSAs all provide tax savings, but how do employers know all the rules that go along with each? This presentation will break down the specifics of all with an emphasis on the new trend of adding a qualified high deductible health plan in order to participate in the wildly popular Health Savings Account.


Lisa Stevens, Account Development Executive, American Fidelity

Take It or Leave It: Managing Employee Leave Requests and Issues

View On Demand Session

Fees: $55 (Non-Member) / $30 (Member)

Public employees have no shortage of leave available to them. Employers need to be able to effectively evaluate employee leave requests and understand the relationship between different types of leave. This session will examine employer rights and obligations when employees request Family and Medical Leave Act leave, unpaid leaves of absence, COVID-19 related leave, and more. Participants will be able to evaluate employee eligibility for leave, identify employer obligations related to the leave, and understand the impact of granting or denying leave. The presentation also will provide practical considerations for negotiating leave provisions and reducing employee absenteeism.


Samantha Vajskop, Attorney, Pepple & Waggoner, Ltd

Straight Financial Talk (CPIM Approved)

View On Demand Session

Fees: $55 (Non-Member) / $30 (Member)

Gibberish and gobbledygook too often are the norm in school financial communications. The use of straightforward terms and concise explanations demonstrates true mastery of the topic. The result is enhanced credibility for the school business official as a member of the leadership team. It also helps supportive community members convey financial information with confidence and authority.


Todd Puster, Treasurer, Orange City School District

Chris Mohr, K12 Business Consulting, Inc., OASBO Past President and Retired Treasurer

Dolores "Dee" Cramer, Retired Treasurer, OASBO Past President

Transitioning into a New School District – The Treasurer on the Move

View On Demand Session

Fees: $55 (Non-Member) / $30 (Member)

This is presentation is a combination of case study and best practices on how to make an effective and efficient transition into the role of Treasurer/CFO in a new school district. Using a combination of experiences from a new (less than two years) treasurer, moderately experienced treasurer (less than five years) and an experienced treasurer (more than 10 years) the participants will get a review of the the tasks and challenges to transitioning into a new fiscal office. The presentation will not just focus on the transactional steps but include the leadership components necessary to build the initial foundation of relationships and institutional culture to to ensure getting started on the correct path. The session will be part presentation and a lot of discussion.


Randy Drewyor, Treasurer/CFO, Perrysburg EVSD

Lana Fairchild, Treasurer, Amanda-Clearcreek Local SD

Simple Tools to Empower Collaborative Teams

View On Demand Session

Fees: $55 (Non-Member) / $30 (Member)

Participants will be empowered to use simple online tools to increase collaboration and productivity of their teams through a demonstration of how OASBO has done so. This demonstration of how OASBO has used Trello to improve workflows and collaboration and the concepts and tools used in the demonstration can be applied to any group or team working together.


Callie Wells, Director of Marketing & Communications, OASBO

Overwhelmed and Over It – Managing Pressure, Stress and Anxiety for Maximum Productivity

View On Demand Session

Fees: $55 (Non-Member) / $30 (Member)

Daily living provides many opportunities for dealing with stress. Feeling overwhelmed by all thats confronting us can become a regular occurrence. That is until we decide to get over it. Breaking stress into three components instead of lumping everything under the heading of stress can help deal with feeling overwhelmed. In this presentation well define pressure, stress and anxiety and discuss strategies for managing each in a way that allows us to be most productive and mentally healthy.


Lisa Stevens, Account Development Executive, American Fidelity

Avoiding Educator Burnout & Supporting Employee Well Being

View On Demand Session

Fees: $55 (Non-Member) / $30 (Member)

During this session, we will discuss the impact of the events of 2020 & early 2021 on employees and educators, the importance of mental health awareness, recognizing signs of burnout, and strategies that you can use to support your team and yourself. We’ll walk through a few employee scenarios that may arise during times of stress and provide actionable strategies focused on promoting positive mental health.


Erin McClintock, VP of Community Engagement Impact & Education, EVERFI

Levy Planning: Process, Pitfalls and Options (CPIM Approved)

View On Demand Session

Fees: $55 (Non-Member) / $30 (Member)

This presentation provides an overview of the levy planning process from start to finish, while covering levy options and the dos and donts for school districts.


Matt Stout, Partner, Bricker Graydon LLP

Jackie Lewis, Associate, Bricker & Eckler

Brian Kern, CFO/Treasurer, Dublin City SD

Public Records in the Digital Age

View On Demand Session

Fees: $55 (Non-Member) / $30 (Member)

The use of technology has made life both easier and harder. This is also true with respect to public records. Custodians of records now must sift through thousands of documents that would not have existed 20-30 years ago, including social media posts, private e-mails, District websites, etc. Participants will learn about how social media posts can be public records, will be able to identify which content can be removed from District-controlled websites, and will learn to identify which records can be shared in response to a public records request.


Milko Cecez, Attorney, Pepple & Waggoner, Ltd

Ohio Legislation & Legislative Resources

View On Demand Session

Fees: $55 (Non-Member) / $30 (Member)

This is part of a four-part series offered to members as the "Advocacy Brown Bag Series." As we did with that initial series, we will have practitioners share their thoughts and experiences on how to track legislation and locate legislative resources.


Katie Johnson, Esq., Executive Director, OASBO

Erik Roush, Policy & Govt Affairs, Columbus City Schools

Jared Bunting, Treasurer/CFO, Athens City SD

Matthew Ketcham, CFO/Treasurer, Madison-Champaign ESC

Kevin Miller, Director of Governmental Relations, BASA

SC Strategic Solutions - Evolve Financial Software Solutions

View On Demand Session

Fees: $55 (Non-Member) / $30 (Member)

Participants will view a robust Financial Information System. SC Evolve is a fully integrated, web-based software solution that keeps pace with the needs of local education agencies. The modules within Evolve work together to give districts maximum flexibility and control over all aspects of financial record keeping and reporting. Within the Fund Accounting module participants will review financial reports. These reports not only meet various agency requirements, but also provide district leaders with the information they need to make sound financial decisions.

In addition, they will be introduced to a new budgeting module that allows for the identification of different versions needed to accommodate districts changing budgets. They will also be presented with various transaction inquiries used in their Chart of Accounts, Bank Reconciliation, and General Ledger practices.
Participants will review the HR/Payroll module identifying the Evolve streamlined payroll process.

SC Strategic Solutions understand the ever-changing environment of state and financial record keeping and reporting. Evolve is designed so that it will continuously evolve to meet the needs of districts.

Optimizing Business Processes with State Software Redesign (CPIM Approved)

View On Demand Session

Fees: $55 (Non-Member) / $30 (Member)

If you are looking for ways to optimize your everyday business processes with the SSDT Redesign, this session is for you! This session will cover the topics of: 1) Posting Periods and their advantages for budgetary and payroll processes including month and year end, 2) the Redesign forecast, 3) the Spending Plan and its use for monthly reporting, and 4) designing the grids for everyday use.


Michelle Drewes, Support Specialist/Technical Writer, The Management Council

Reducing Exposure and Increasing Efficiency with Digital Technology

View On Demand Session

Fees: $55 (Non-Member) / $30 (Member)

America’s former reliance on cash is quickly being overtaken by digital transactions. The balance has decidedly tipped toward digital, and K-12 districts now have the opportunity to reduce cash transactions across departments district wide. School districts across the nation, like many organizations, have also been challenged to achieve high standards of cleanliness and disinfection to keep students, staff, and volunteers healthy.

This session includes information on:

  • Removing cash handling and why
  • Touchless technology
  • How we can assist in COVID-19 best practices

Gino Caponi, Senior Account Executive, Payschools

Bob Reolfi, Senior Account Representative, PaySchools

Beyond Excel - Using Analytics Tools to Gather and Visualize Data

View On Demand Session

Fees: $55 (Non-Member) / $30 (Member)

Excel can be a great tool to manipulate numbers and create simple reports. But with budgets and time cut the point in time aspects of Excel limit your ability to make accurate data-driven decisions. Many districts are starting to look into real-time analytics dashboards to aggregate data and present it in visually intuitive ways to improve decision making and accelerate daily operations.

In this session well review a few case studies for how Ohio districts can use dashboards to:

  • Aggregate data across Finance and SIS platforms to monitor trends like Per Pupil Equity and spending patterns across various populations
  • Monitor budgets and expenses to optimize funding and outcomes
  • Track workflows and approvals to ensure requisitions are completed on time and budget
  • Empower functional leaders to better manage their own budgets and approvals

Daniel Dorr, Finance, PowerSchool Group LLC

Gable Dixon, Sr. Solution Engineer, PowerSchool

Overnight School Trips: Vendors, Contracts, Fundraising, Cancellation, Reimbursement

View On Demand Session

Fees: $55 (Non-Member) / $30 (Member)

This presentation will explain the legal issues associated with overnight trips, including identifying and explaining key terms in vendor contracts, identifying potential liability in parent participation agreements, explaining issues associated with fundraising, and explaining potential issues when reimbursing participants for cancelled trips, including reimbursing fundraised money, partial reimbursement, and travel insurance.

Although the presentation uses school trips as the presentations primary lens, the principles apply to many other activities in which a district contracts with a vendor and fundraises money.


Brian DeSantis, Attorney, Pepple & Waggoner, Ltd

Amy Reineke, Treasurer, New Knoxville Local SD

New School Safety and Security Requirements in House Bill 123 - the Affects and Effects

View On Demand Session

Fees: $55 (Non-Member) / $30 (Member)

This session explains the requirements specified in House Bill 123. The legislation went into effect in March of 2021. It requires the establishment and training of behavioral assessment teams for schools that serve grades 6 through 12. The law also mandates schools to have anonymous tip lines that meet new requirements. The tip lines need to be operational before the start of the 2021-2022 school year. Additionally, the presentation will discuss the regulation that schools must deliver state approved Suicide awareness and prevention training to all staff and students. 

This new legislation will impact your school district in terms of training, organization, time management and compiling reports. The presentation will hopefully provide you with a head start in becoming compliant.


Tim Del Vecchio, Consultant for Security Services, Ohio Schools Council

eFinancePLUS – a Dynamic Community Sharing with and Supporting all eFP Users

View On Demand Session

Fees: $55 (Non-Member) / $30 (Member)

Participate in a discussion about eFinancePLUS including sharing best practices and asking questions. Hear how districts are automating tasks, creating customized dashboards, creating more efficiency and productivity within the district, and leveraging eFP to its fullest advantage. Learn how some districts are expanding to areas that compliment eFP including applicant tracking, employee records, evaluations, and professional development. Panelists will begin the discussion but participants will be encouraged to talk about their innovative practices, share useful tips and tricks, and ask questions.


Carrie Herringshaw, CFO/Treasurer, Penta Career Center

Andrew Sanford, Fiscal Support Specialist, Western Ohio Computer Organization

Anna Overman, Operations and Systems Manager, Shared Resource Center

Carolyn Giuffre, Fiscal Support Specialist, Tri County Computer Service Association

Todd Griffith, CFO/Treasurer, Licking Heights Local Schools

Tonia Hovest, Treasurer/CFO, Waynesfield-Goshen Local SD

Scott Walthour, ERT Project Manager, Management Council Ohio Education Computer Network

New Technologies - Benefits of Electronic Document Management and Electronic Workflows

View On Demand Session

Fees: $55 (Non-Member) / $30 (Member)

Participants will gain knowledge on the benefits of electronic document and workflow management. Various areas where school districts can implement newer technologies to reduce the cost and security concerns associated with paper based forms  and workflow processes will be identified. The presentation  will include best practices for records retention policies and options for converting historic paper records into digital files formats.  Additionally, options for creating an electronic paperless process regarding the creation and approval of financial/ voucher packets, new employee onboarding, any administrative forms, leave requests, employee timesheets, and others will be explained.


Troy Stein, Professional Services Manager, SC Strategic Solutions

Cajon Keeton, Treasurer/CFO, Benton Carroll Salem Local SD

Ryan Pendleton, Executive Director, Shared Service Alliance (SSA)

Jenni Logan, Treasurer/CFO, Sycamore Community City Schools

Quick Tips for Preparing for Testimony

View On Demand Session

Fees: $55 (Non-Member) / $30 (Member)

This is part of a four-part series offered to members as the "Advocacy Brown Bag Series." As we did with that initial series, this webinar, presented jointly by OASBO and BASA, will discuss knowing your audience (i.e., researching who is on the committee); an outline committee protocols; review sample testimony (opening, declaration of opponent/proponent, current status, how the bill changes/impacts that status, recommendation); and submission of testimony process (i.e., witness slips, etc.).


Katie Johnson, Esq., Executive Director, OASBO

Ryan Pendleton, Executive Director, Shared Service Alliance (SSA)

Jenni Logan, Treasurer/CFO, Sycamore Community City Schools

Kevin Miller, Director of Governmental Relations, BASA

Jeff Brown, Superintendent, Granville EVSD
