Oops, I Did it Again: A Checklist to Handle Common 403(b) and 457 Issues (CPIM Approved)

  • Registration Closed

Fees: $55 (Non-Member) / $30 (Member)

Participants will:
1. Learn about common issues school districts encounter in administering their 403(b) and 457 plans.
2. Understand how IRS rules and plan document provisions provide the road map for running successful 403(b) and 457 plans.
3. Learn how to implement internal controls within the school district to minimize risk in the event of an IRS audit.
4. Identify best practices for plan administration.
5. Incorporate successful employee communication and education strategies.

Linda Segal Blinn

Vice President, Technical Services, Voya Financial Advisors

Linda Segal Blinn provides general legislative, regulatory, and compliance information to public school districts about compliantly operating their retirement plans. Linda is a contributing author to the 403(b) Answer Book and is a member of the Association of School Business Officials 403(b) Retirement Plan Council and the National Tax-deferred Savings Association Communication Committee.

Terry Harrell

Regional Vice President, Voya Financial Advisors

Terry Harrell has over 30 years of experience in the financial services industry, specializing in 403(b) and 457 plans. As Voya’s Ohio Valley Regional Vice President for Tax-Exempt Markets, he is responsible for new business and on-going service for public schools throughout central and southern Ohio. Terry is a graduate of Bowling Green State University and resides in Dublin, Ohio.


Oops, I Did it Again: A Checklist to Handle Common 403(b) and 457 Issues
Recorded 04/26/2021
Recorded 04/26/2021
Webinar Survey
5 Questions
Contact Hour
1.00 Contact hour credit  |  No certificate available
1.00 Contact hour credit  |  No certificate available
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By clicking the Get CPIM Code button, I acknowledge that I have watched the video in it's entirety and am now eligible to receive the code..