The Impact of Unemployment Compensation on your District

Recorded On: 04/26/2021

  • Registration Closed

Fees: $55 (Non-Member) / $30 (Member)

Conversation about the significant increase of UC activity for 2020 (primarily due to COVID), and the potential long term impact. We will also review and discuss any additional changes to the UC system between the date of this submission and the date of the seminar.

Roger Baker

Manager, Unemployment Insurance, Sedgwick

Since1994 Roger has been perfecting best practices in unemployment costcontrol.  His extensive training and experience have positioned him to effectively manage all aspects of unemployment, in all U.S. states and variousterritories.  He is a frequent facilitator for unemployment, often leading instructional engagements on unemployment cost control strategies for employers.  Currently he is a member of the World Speakers Association, the American Professional Speakers Association, the Ohio Speakers Association, and the International Association of Workforce Professionals.


The Impact of Unemployment Compensation on your District
Recorded 04/26/2021
Recorded 04/26/2021
Webinar Survey
5 Questions
Contact Hour
1.00 Contact hour credit  |  No certificate available
1.00 Contact hour credit  |  No certificate available