Business Ops Hot Topics 2022-2023
- Registration Closed
Date: 10.04.2022
Location: Virtual via Zoom
Cost: Member - $0 | Non-Member - $200
This seminar covers the most important topics facing school officials right now in the area of business operations, facilities management, and capital financing.
8:00 am
8:30 am
Capital Plans
Dan Schall, Bradley Payne Advisors
9:30 am
9:45 am
Payment in Lieu of and Non-Public Transportation Assurances
Randy Snyder, Director of Transportation, Westerville City Schools (OAPT)
10:45 am
11:00 am
HB123 Threat Assessment Team
Greg Hennecke, Hylant Administrative Services
12:15 pm
1:15 pm
HR - Retention Strategies / Where to Find Them and How to Keep Them
Attracting and retaining employees has become next to impossible with shrinking candidate pools. We’ve all heard about teacher shortages, but Bus Drivers, Food Service Workers, Maintenance workers, Monitors, Aides and even Secretaries which were once sought-after positions are becoming very difficult to fill and maintain.
In this session you will learn strategies to attract and retain classified employees for your district. Through an interactive process, you will be able to identify unique sources of candidates, as well as how to develop and implement your district’s “Employee Value Proposition” (EVP) and other low cost job “perks” to improve the employee experience and lead to higher retention. Participants will leave the session with a list of concrete strategies to maximize your district’s recruitment and retention efforts.
Aura Norris, MHR, pHCLE, SPHR, Senior Strategic HR Partner, and
Emily Douglas-McNab, MHR, MBA, SPHR, SHRM-SCP, pHCLE, Co-Founder and Chief, Experience Management Institute
2:15 pm
2:30 pm
The Changing Face of School Security
What are today’s keys to providing a safe learning environment? This presentation will provide you with the information you need to proactively and holistically approach school safety and security. Special focus will be placed on the latest trends in school security and the appropriate involvement of staff. Attendees will learn how to address today’s security issues, implement site-specific strategies, and access helpful resources.
Paul Timm, Associate and Vice-President of Physical Security Services, Facility Engineering Associates
3:30 pm

Dan Schall
Municipal Advisor/Director, Bradley Payne Advisors
Mr. Schall joined Bradley Payne Advisors September, 2021. Prior to joining Bradley Payne, Mr. Schall lead the creation and build out of the Shared Resource Center, a council of governments designed to help public entities in Ohio develop and meet their financial goals. Dan started in corporate communication and finance before serving as a school treasurer for 22 years.
Dan specializes in long term financial planning for the public sector delivering creative and collaborative approaches to resourcing public projects and building sustainable capital plans.
Mr. Schall is a Registered Municipal Advisor, registered with the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB) and the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC). He currently holds a Series 50 license and is a licensed school Treasurer in the State of Ohio.
Mr. Schall received a Bachelor of Business Administration Degree from the University of Dayton with a concentration in Finance and a Masters in Business Administration from the Ohio State University.

Randy Snyder
Transportation Coordinator, Westerville City Schools & OAPT President
Randy Snyder is Transportation Manager for Westerville City Schools, accountable for the overall transportation operation of the district, which is located in Central Ohio. Mr. Snyder has almost twenty years of experience in pupil transportation of which eighteen have been in administration and department management. Westerville’s transportation department is comprised of 101 school bus routes, twenty MyVan routes that serve students with specialized transportation needs, four office support staff, eight mechanics, and three assistant managers.
Mr. Snyder believes that a safe and successful transportation operation must include excellent recruiting, training, equipping, and the empowering of its employees. Transportation professionals play a vital role in the educational process and are important members of the communities in which they serve. He also believes that all school business professionals should seek to better understand their district’s transportation operations and find ways to support and encourage their team members whose charge is to oversee their transportation operations.
Currently, Mr. Snyder serves as Immediate Past President of the Ohio Association for Pupil Transportation (OAPT). He continues to serve as the communication and technology committee chair and serves as the election committee chair. Along with the other OAPT Board members, he helped lead their association and its members through the COVID-19 pandemic.

Greg Hennecke, CPSI, CSRM
Risk Management Representative, Hylant Administrative Services
Greg Hennecke is a Risk Management Representative for Hylant Administrative Services and works directly with governmental agencies and public schools. In addition to being a Certified Playground Safety Inspector (CPSI), Hennecke also is a Certified School Risk Manager (CSRM) and is a licensed property and casualty agent in Ohio.

Aura Norris, MHR, pHCLE, SPHR
Senior Strategic HR Partner, Experience Management Institute
Aura retired in 2020 after serving as the Executive Director of Human Resources and Operations for Perrysburg Schools in Northwest Ohio for 31 years. She started her career as a food service supervisor at the Norfolk Public Schools where she learned the ropes of effective and financially successful school food service operations.
In addition to serving on the board of several state professional organizations, her major accomplishments include implementing a performance-based compensation system for certificated, classified, and administrative personnel and presenting at many state and national HR conferences. She was also responsible for leading the district food service department from a large deficit to a positive balance in two years.
Aura joined EXMI with the goal of using her more than 30 years of human resources, business management, and school district leadership expertise to continue supporting public school boards, leaders, and staff in their journey.

Emily Douglas-McNab, MHR, MBA, SPHR, SHRM-SCP, pHCLE
Co-Founder and Chief, Experience Management Institute
Emily's deep professional experience and passion for doing good led her to co-found Experience Management Institute. She has more than 20 years of experience working with PK-12 public schools, institutes of higher education, regional education organizations, Head Start programs, state departments, professional associations, nonprofits, and businesses on topics related to strategy, human resources, organizational development, and marketing and communications. Emily writes, speaks, consults, and teaches nationally on topics related to strategy, human resources, workforce development, and the future of education.

Paul Timm, PSP
Vice President, Facility Engineering Associates
Paul Timm, Vice President of Facility Engineering Associates, is a board-certified Physical Security Professional (PSP) and the author of “School Security: How to Build and Strengthen a School Safety Program.” He was named one of the Most Influential People in Security in 2020 by Security Magazine. In addition to conducting numerous vulnerability assessments and his frequent keynote addresses, Paul is an experienced School Crisis Assistance Team volunteer through the National Organization for Victims Assistance (NOVA). He serves on the Campus Safety Conferences Advisory Board, the Advisory Council for the Partner Alliance for Safer Schools, the ASIS International School Safety and Security Council, and the Illinois Association of School Business Officials Risk Management Committee. He is certified in Vulnerability Assessment Methodology (VAM) through Sandia National Laboratories and the ALPHAÔ vulnerability assessment methodology. Paul holds a Master of Arts in Biblical Studies from Moody Theological Seminary.