Grants Management - March 18, 2021

Recorded On: 03/18/2021

  • Registration Closed

Date: 3/18/2021

Location: Online

Cost: Member - $100 / Non-Member - $240

This seminar is designed to develop a general understanding of the role and responsibilities of district personnel when managing grants, provide knowledge and best practices in the area of grants management, and discuss requirements outlined in the Ohio Revised Code (ORC) and Ohio Administrative Code (OAC).

Participating in this Grants Management Overview webinar is a suggested prerequisite to this seminar.

Brian Jones from the Ohio Department of Education is presenting this seminar.


8:00 a.m.
Welcome & Introductions        

8:15  a.m.
State and Federal Grants Management

  • Grant Timelines        
  • Original Budgets

9:45 a.m.

10:00 a.m.
State and Federal Grants Management        

  • Revisions/PCR/FER        

11:15 a.m.

12:00 p.m.
State and Federal Grants Management

  • Uniform Guidance, Interactive Manual

1:45 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
Federal Program        

  • Proper Public Purpose        
  • Expenditures in Accordance with Grants (program side)         
  • Supplement not Supplant         
  • Title I Comparability

3:15 p.m.
Conclusion and Q&A

Brian Jones

CFO, Office of Fiscal, Ohio Department of Education & Workforce

Brian currently serves as the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce. Brian has a quarter century of senior leadership experience in Ohio’s state education agency guiding its fiscal and grant responsibilities.

Leading Ohio’s education agency team on grant and fiscal mandates for nearly two decades, Brian guides a large team with a multi-billion dollar portfolio of fiscal oversight mandates. Those mandates encompass federal financial compliance, internal control structure, risk assessment and subrecipient monitoring for the agency.

Prior to joining the state education agency, Brian served as an Audit Supervisor with both the Auditor of State (AoS) and the Ohio Department of Development.  During his tenure with the AoS, he led the agency’s auditing responsibilities of the Department Human Services at both the state and county levels.  While with the Department of Development, he was responsible for financial/programmatic compliance audits and technical assistance to numerous cities, counties and not-for-profits.

Brian is seen as a national leader in education fiscal policy, and he has presented at both state and national level conferences on both fiscal management and auditing in the education environment. 

Scott May

EDSTEPS Coordinator, Office of Federal Programs, Ohio Department of Education

Scott May currently serves as the EDSTEPS Coordinator within the Office of Federal Programs at the Ohio Department of Education.  Previous to this position, he served as an Education Program Specialist since 2018, providing guidance and support to districts in federal funding and professional development. Scott was also the Title II A lead for the office including federal programs licensure. 

Beginning his career in teaching, Mr. May was a building principal at Chardon Local Schools for 9 years and 3 years with Westerville City Schools. Scott currently lives in the Columbus area.

Morgan Brown

Assistant Director, Office of Federal Programs, Ohio Department of Education

Morgan Brown is an Assistant Director in the Ohio Department of Education, Office of Federal Programs. He leads the Well Rounded Education Support Team, focusing on whole child supports including Title I-C Migrant, Title III English Language Learners, Title IV-A Student Supports and Academic Enrichment, vulnerable youth, parent and family engagement, nonpublic school service, and emergency grants. Morgan previously served as Education Program Specialist working with the Southeastern Ohio region, and prior to coming to ODE, served as Executive Director of a nonprofit. Morgan also has experience serving children and families through Head Start.


Welcome & Introductions; State and Federal Grants Mgt (Grant Timelines, Original Budgets): ZOOM LINK
03/18/2021 at 8:00 AM (EDT)  |  Recorded On: 03/18/2021
03/18/2021 at 8:00 AM (EDT)  |  Recorded On: 03/18/2021 Meeting ID: 820 8830 9026 Passcode: 144946
State and Federal Grants Mgt (Revisions/PCR/FER): ZOOM LINK
03/18/2021 at 10:00 AM (EDT)  |  Recorded On: 03/18/2021
03/18/2021 at 10:00 AM (EDT)  |  Recorded On: 03/18/2021 Meeting ID: 863 1744 3782 Passcode: 431329
State and Federal Grants Mgt (Uniform Guidance, Interactive Manual): ZOOM LINK
03/18/2021 at 12:00 PM (EDT)  |  Recorded On: 03/18/2021
03/18/2021 at 12:00 PM (EDT)  |  Recorded On: 03/18/2021 Meeting ID: 889 6066 8075 Passcode: 262835
Federal Program (Proper Public Purpose, Expenditures in Accordance with Grants (program side), Supplement not Supplant, Title I Comparability): ZOOM LINK
03/18/2021 at 2:00 PM (EDT)  |  Recorded On: 03/18/2021
03/18/2021 at 2:00 PM (EDT)  |  Recorded On: 03/18/2021 Meeting ID: 820 1556 6153 Passcode: 519461
Survey and Contact Hours
Course Survey
7 Questions
Contact Hours
5.50 Contact Hours credits  |  No certificate available
5.50 Contact Hours credits  |  No certificate available
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